Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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Step 1

Select the account that meets your needs

Choose from our list of Business Accounts or Personal Accounts and then stop by one of our convenient branch locations to open your account.

Business Banking Personal Banking
Step 2

Stop using your old account

Be sure to keep it open until all of the outstanding checks have cleared and any direct deposits or automatic payments have been changed to your new account.

Step 3

Transfer any payroll direct deposits or automatic payments

Simply fill out this form and give it to your employer, the Social Security Administration or your retirement plan. Be sure to include a deposit slip or voided check from your new Flatirons Bank account.

Direct Deposit Transfer Form

Use this form to change all automatic withdrawals or automated payments. Be sure not to forget about those payments that use your old bank's debit card number, such as automatic payments made online.

Automatic Payments Transfer Form
Step 4

Close your old checking account

Send in this completed Accounts Transfer Form to your old bank to close your old account. No face-to-face account closing meeting is needed. If, after all your checks have cleared, you have a remaining balance, your old bank will send us a check to deposit into your new account. Once your old account is closed, remember to destroy any unused checks, ATM and debit cards and deposit slips.

Accounts Transfer Form

Want Help at Each Step of the Switch?

Local Phone Support

Anytime you have questions, just give us a call — you'll talk to a real, helpful human during business hours.

Call 303.530.4999 

In-person Assistance

Visit us at one of our convenient locations in Boulder and Longmont to speak with a personal banker

View our locations